歌德的網頁介紹中譯本的 Kiss & Tell (Alain de Botton)﹐譯名叫做「吻了再說」。我很多年前看過英文版﹐是一本很有趣的小說。不過﹐我不是想在這裡談故事的細節﹐而是想引一段男主角前女友對他責難的文字﹐這段不留情面的話﹐間接引出了整個小說的情節。
"It took me a long time to figure you out," began a letter from a woman who had shared six months of my life, then decided she would have preferred to see me dead, "to understand how someone could have been so un-self-aware and at the same time so self-obsessed. You said you loved me, but a narcissist can't love anyone but himself. I know most men have little clue of how to communicate, but your incapacities were tediously extraordinary. You had no repect for anything I gave a damn about, you approached everything with the same high-handed, self-righteous manner. I wasted too long with an egoist incapable of listening to my needs, someone who would have had trouble empathizing with anything further than his own ear-lobe..."
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